First Chiropractic Visit
Understanding Your Health and Care Plan
Your visit will begin with a comprehensive consultation where we’ll discuss your health concerns and determine the best approach for your care. Our experienced chiropractor will then conduct a thorough physical examination, which includes vital signs, muscle, sensory, and reflex testing, as well as various orthopedic assessments to pinpoint the root cause of your condition.
As part of the Gonstead Chiropractic method, we’ll assess your spine by checking for areas of swelling, tenderness, or abnormal tightness in your muscles and tissues (static palpation). We will also evaluate the mobility of each spinal segment (motion palpation) to assess how well your spine moves in different directions. Additionally, we’ll observe any subtle changes in your posture or gait that could indicate potential issues.
Next Steps
After reviewing all findings, we’ll schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss the results and outline a personalized course of care designed to address your needs. We are here to help you achieve your best health!
Your First Chiropractic Visit
We look forward to welcoming you to Trinity Chiropractic Care. During your initial visit, you can expect to spend approximately 30 minutes. Before your appointment, we kindly ask that you complete the "Initial Visit Forms" online. This will provide us with important details regarding your health history, allowing us to maximize your time during the visit.